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[KOTRA] Rex Airlines [KOTRA] 호주, Rex Airlines, Cabin Crew (1명)

by 비전헬퍼 2023. 1. 30.

Unsplash 의 Stefan Fluck



John Sharp
정기 항공 운송업
주소    81 Baxter Rd Mascot, New South Wales, 2020 Australia  


자격요건 경력 무관
학력 해당없음
외국어 필수 영어(최상) : 모든 의사소통 가능
근무조건 고용형태 정규직
근무지역 호주
근무시간 38 시간/
급여(한화) 면접 후 결정
접수기간 등록일 2023-01-30
마감일 2023-02-13







We are looking for individuals who are able to exemplify our values and join us in a full time capacity as either a solo Flight Attendant on the Saab340, or part of a team of four on the Boeing 737.

As a solo Flight Attendant, you get to manage your own cabin and have the opportunity to provide a personalised service whilst travelling to some unique destinations.

If working in a team appeals to you more, then a position in the cabin on the B737 can offer that.

The role involves responsibility for passenger safety as well as providing a genuine and caring service to all our passengers.

Some of the duties you will perform are equipment/security checks, in-flight announcements, in-flight food and beverage service, turnaround cleaning duties as well as dealing with situations that may occur in the cabin.

Whilst it is a role offering work /life balance you must be willing to work shift work, work on weekends and public holidays and there will be some nights spent away from home.

It is a rewarding position where every day is different.








직종 항공기 객실승무원
모집공고번호 E20230130001
모집인원 1
국가 호주
자격요건 학력 해당없음
경력 무관
외국어능력 필수 영어(최상) : 모든 의사소통 가능
주요업무내용 We are looking for individuals who are able to exemplify our values and join us in a full time capacity as either a solo Flight Attendant on the Saab340, or part of a team of four on the Boeing 737.As a solo Flight Attendant, you get to manage your own cabin and have the opportunity to provide a personalised service whilst travelling to some unique destinations.If working in a team appeals to you more, then a position in the cabin on the B737 can offer that.The role involves responsibility for passenger safety as well as providing a genuine and caring service to all our passengers.Some of the duties you will perform are equipment/security checks, in-flight announcements, in-flight food and beverage service, turnaround cleaning duties as well as dealing with situations that may occur in the cabin.Whilst it is a role offering work /life balance you must be willing to work shift work, work on weekends and public holidays and there will be some nights spent away from home.It is a rewarding position where every day is different.
그 외 자격요건 Be no taller than 173 cm (for Saab 340)Be able to reach 180 cm on flat feet (for B737)Hold a current Provide First Aid Certificate (HLTAID011)Hold a current Responsible Service of Alcohol CertificateBe able to demonstrate that you have:Completed a minimum 3 years of secondary education in Australia or New Zealand, orWorked in Australia or New Zealand for at least 3 of the last 5 years, orWorked in the UK, Ireland or USA for at least 3 of the last 5 years, orCompleted the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) with an overall grade of 5.5.Have Australian Citizenship or Permanent ResidencyBe able to hold an ASIC which involves a police security checkHave experience in customer serviceBe able to swim fully clothed without aid or floating deviceBe flexible (working hours will vary and will include weekends and public holidays)Have a high level of personal presentationHave a natural willingness to please and care for people.








급여사항() 협의 계약기간 [정규직]
근무시간 38 시간/ 보험가입 현지 노동법에 따른 work cover 제공
비자타입 기타 퇴직금 현지 노동법에 따른 Super 제공
가족동반 불가능 숙식 및 항공료 미지원
휴가 20
기타 근로조건 -비자 : 워킹홀리데이, 졸업생비자, 파트너비자 등 1년이상 호주 체류 및 취업 가능자 우대-급여: 연봉 협의 (호주 최저 연봉 AUD 40,700- 이상 확인)-코로나19에 따라 구직자와 협의 후, 입사시기 조정 가능-의료비 지원 없음. 현지 노동법에 따른 work cover 제공


- 근무지정보

구인기업 업종 정기 항공 운송업
기업명 [KOTRA] Rex Airlines
근무지주소 81 Baxter Rd Mascot, New South Wales, 2020 Australia







(한국시간 기준)
2023-01-30 ~ 2023-02-13
채용예정일 2023-02-14
필수서류 영문이력서 , 영문자기소개서
기타 제출서류
진행방법 1: 서류심사(이력서, 자기소개서, 증명서 등 제출서류 서면심사)2: 면접심사(면접 및 외국어평가를 통해 직무수행에 필요한 능력 종합평가)면접 대상자는 서류심사 합격자에 한하여 개별통보
문의처 job1@hrdkorea.or.kr     이메일로 이력서 지원 불가
담당자 오준서
기타사항 본 공고와 관련한 추후 면접진행 및 채용과정, 당사자 간 합의 및 계약 사항에 대해서는 KOTRA가 책임지지 않음을 알려드리오니 착오 없으시기 바랍니다.위 기재된 채용예정일은 업체 사정상 변경 될 수 있음을 알려드립니다.




